Friday, 9 September 2011

What is a planting designer and what can they do for me?

What is Planting Design?
Planting design requires talent and aesthetic judgement combined with a good level of horticultural, ecological and cultural knowledge.
A professional planting design specialist or garden border designer, will have been trained in design and horticultural principles and practices, and also possess an expert level of experience and knowledge in using and balancing plant layout
in garden landscapes. They may often employ soft landscaping techniques.
Your planting designer will develop a planting strategy for the long term development of your London garden landscape, and can also craft an effective plan for you to encourage wildlife and insects in your city garden.
Depending on where you live, in areas such as Highgate, Hampstead, Muswell Hill, Crouch End,
to work and play in your garden!
take a moment and visit Kitty's planting design web site.

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