Wednesday 14 September 2011

Fonzie gets an OBE!

Remember the television show "Happy Days"?,
Henry Winkler, the star of the show, which depicted an idealized version of 1950's America,
has just been awarded an OBE by Her Majesty the Queen.
The ceremony took place in the Washington British Embassy and
British ambassador Nigel Sheinwald presented the OBE to Winkler for his work
with Dyslexic children in the United Kingdom.
The star has been speaking at UK schools over the last few years, having been
diagnosed with Dyslexia as an adult.
The show ran for eleven seasons from January 1974 until September 1984 and was the
second longest running television series for the USA's ABC network.
The Fonzie started out as a secondary character, but became so popular he evolved into
becoming the star of the show.
Ron Howard who played "Richie" on the show has become an accomplished director in
his own right, with movies such as "Apollo 13","Cocoon"  and "A Beautiful Mind" with Russell Crowe.
The Foreign Office advises Her Majesty in regard to making honorary awards to non-British citizens.
It is not known how huge a fan she is of "The Fonz"!

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