Monday 25 April 2011

Hot cross van

Mr. Christian Atkinson, the electrician who was banned from displaying a cross in his council vehicle, has now been given permission to display the cross in his employer provided van.
Hindu, Muslim and Sikh leaders joined authority church figures to bring pressure on the Wakefield district housing department to allow him to keep his cross in his vehicle.
Something relatively small was turned into a national incident, which culminated in a meeting between union leaders, Mr. Atkinson, and liason figures at Wakefield District Housing.
The meeting and the topics agreed upon have been kept confidential, the concerns of Wakefield hinged upon not upsetting the over thirty thousand people from a wide range of ethnic and religious background that their service covers.
The story began with an anonymous letter stating that people might be offended by the cross being in the vehicle, Mr. Atkinson refused to remove it, this then escalated to him being ejected from his workplace, colleagues stepping in to support his cause, and a national outcry in the media. However all seems settled now and he is expected to return to work on Tuesday.

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